Scope of Journals

Scope of Journals and topics are given below. Computer Science Journals is open access online referred International Journals. Paper published includes Short Note, Letter to the Editor, Original Research Paper, and state of art Review are warmly welcomed for publishing in International Journal. Prime aim of the Computer science Journals is to publish Scholarly research which efficiently fosters the development in Information Technology & Computer Engineering. In conclusion, this will promote fruitful collaboration and exchange of ideas between researchers across world. All Listed Journals are weekly published so that author research works immediately online after acceptance.

Please see list of Journals

Topics of International Journals

Algorithms and data structures; Applied computer science; Artificial intelligence; Business Support Systems; Communication; Compiler design; Computational science; Computer architecture and engineering; Graphics and visualization; Computer Networks; Computer security and cryptography; Concurrent; Data mining; Databases; Design languages; Digital logic; Distributed systems; Element Management System; Neural Computing and application; Evolutionary computation; Formal methods; Graphical user interfaces; Health Informatics; Information and coding theory; Information retrieval and science; Knowledge representation; Libraries; Method engineering; Microarchitecture; Multiprocessing; Natural language processing; Network management system; Operating systems; Operations Support System; Pair programming; Parallel; Performance Engineering; Platforms; Processes and methodologies; Programming language technology; Language theory; Programming languages and productivity.

Few more important topics

Computer communications; Refactoring; Software engineering and inspections; Software reuse; Systems architecture; Systems integration; Teamwork; Theory of computation; Ubiquitous computing; computer science journal; applied mathematics and computing; computer communications; computer applications; neural computing and application; soft computing journal; computing surveys; electrical and computer engineering; computer networks; human behavior; computers in industry; diary software; image and vision computing; information technology; mobile computing; circuits systems and computers; computational science; system sciences; scientific computing; neural computing; High performance computing; mind reading computer; image and vision computing; computer security; software engineering; computerized dentistry; medical robotics and computer assisted surgery; modern computer science; parallel programming; soft computing; computers in human behavior; future generation computer systems; bioinformatics and systems biology; cybernetics; physiological systems.