Top Computer Science Journals
Our Top computer science Journals are best open access journals. In addition, Research papers are published in recent multi-dimensional areas of computer science. Moreover, Most important areas covered are computer communications, applied mathematics and computing. In addition, neural computing and application, and Controlling by using artificial intelligence are also included.
Open Access Journals: All listed computer and electrical engineering journal are open access journals. Once article is published, it will be always online without any delay. We do not require further fee or subscription charges for downloading article. In conclusion, It is free access journals.
Peer Review Process: One of the most advantageous processes of journal publishing is to follow peer review process in selection of article by the editorial board member of the respective journals. On the other hand, Peer reviewed maintains the quality of the article published in the journals and improves the academic profile of the author.
Rapid Publishing process
Computer Science Journal follows rapid publishing process. Once article is accepted by editorial board members, it will be online within 1 day. This will increase the citation of published research work.
Prestigious Editorial Board: Our Journals Prestigious Editorial Board is from well-known universities, research organization, and industry consultant. They are constantly working for the improvement of society.
Certificate Provided: We provide all necessary document after publishing research work of authors. In addition to certificate, Journal book, author copy, and acceptance letter hard copy will also be provided on request by authors. There document are required by affiliated institution of authors.
Computer science research paper
In addition to Computer science research paper, Multidisciplinary topics of electrical engineering journal and mathematics with application are also included for publishing.
Real time Tracking: Author can track real time status of submitted articles in journals. This is possible by entering track id in tracking system of the respective journals.
Computer science research: Editorial board and advisory board members invites recent research and ideas related to publishing.
Journal publishing
Computer science journals emphasis on quick journal publishing so that author research work will be published in timely manner. This will give computer science journal cutting edge over other journal publisher.
See List of Journals